46 new COVID-19 cases, total number 663


46 new coronavirus cases have been registered in North Macedonia over the past
24 hours, bringing the total tally to 663, the Health Ministry said Thursday.
Of these, 12 are in Skopje, 13 in Kumanovo, 8 in Prilep, 1 in Tetovo, 2 in Struga, 8 in
Veles, 1 in Kocani and 1 in Probishtip.
Thus far, COVID-19 cases have been registered in Skopje (273), Kumanovo (143),
Debar (49), Shtip (20), Prilep (46), Tetovo (30), Struga (30), Veles (18), Bitola (8),
Ohrid (3), Kavadarci (3), Gostivar (4), Gevgelija (4), Strumica (2), Kriva Palanka (3),
Radovish (4), Krusevo (3), (Kochani (19), Probistip (1).

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