Did SDSM deliberately push the Macedonian economy and citizens into an apocalyptic scenario?


Did SDSM deliberately push the Macedonian economy and citizens into an
apocalyptic scenario?

VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski writes on Facebook that the fight against
the pandemic is a struggle for each and every human life; the fight is invaluable and
infinite, just like Macedonia is infinite.
“It all started on December 26, 2019, when the then prime minister said in parliament
that the economy is shining and the results were for praise. The same narrative were
continued by several other SDSM officials in the government, Oliver Spasovski, Mila
Carovska, Nina Angelovska, etc., and until March 21 this year, all these together with
Zoran Zaev were convincing us that the budget is liquid and that the economy is
shining, and the results were for praise, despite the fact that there is no GDP growth
of 5% or for example an average salary of 500 euros, foreign and domestic
investments, guaranteed purchase for farmers, 500 km of highways, etc… But what
is the reality and what are the numbers, they themselves will answer the question,
namely the budget deficit in the first two months of 2020 is almost 25% of the total
projected for the whole 2020 or 63% more than than that in 2019 year when it was
15.2% (Picture 1), and in February alone it was more than 3 billion denars,” wrote

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