Skopje municipality to spend 180,000 euros on party employment in the midst of a crisis


Instead of all available funds to be used for faster management of the COVID-19
pandemic, the Skopje municipality Gjorce Petrov in the wake of the biggest health
and economic crisis concludes an agreement for new temporary employment in the
amount of 10,999,960 denars or almost 180,000 euros money of the citizens who,
instead of being allocated to protect their lives from the virus, will lie in the pockets of
the party soldiers of SDSM and the clique of Aleksandar Naumoski, said Bojan
Stojanoski of VMRO-DPMNE at a press conference.
"In the agreement that you can see behind me, you will see that these funds,
10,999,960 denars that will be spent on temporary party employment can be used
for disinfection of streets, schools and kindergartens, public areas, places where
they are given administrative services, and where many people gather, the
entrances to the buildings can be disinfected free of charge, many more things can
be done that would prevent the spread of this virus," said Stojanoski.

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