Truckers’ union opposes the proposal to increase fuel excise duties


For the Association of Truck Carriers Makam-trans is unacceptable, irrational and non-solidary measure proposed by the Economic Chamber of Macedonia to increase the excise tax on fuels, which could raise as much money as possible in the budget and would overcome the problems with shortages of funds to help the whole economy.

The Mak-trans association urges the government not to accept proposed measure of all micro, small and medium trading companies and farmers.

“This measure exceeds all limits of rationality and solidarity, the oligarchs again want the burden to be transferred to the shoulders of all carriers, but also to all citizens who are drastically and their income will be reduced. They are proposing a measure that does not have a protection mechanism to reduce the impact of prices on all products that are transported, and this may be the initial trigger for inflation that will harm all micro, small, medium-sized companies and farmers, said in a written statement by Biljana Muratovska, Secretary General of Makam-trans.

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