Macedonia is still at the top in terms of the number of coronavirus deaths


The World Health Organization has sent a clear message to all countries – Test everyone you suspect!

“If the result is positive, they should be isolated and find out who they were in contact with two days before their symptoms developed. Then test those people, “said WHO Director-General Tedros Gebrejesus in mid-March.

This measure is best implemented in Slovenia in the Balkans.

Statistics show that, per 1 million inhabitants, Slovenia has done 15,896 tests so far, Montenegro 3,708, Turkey 3,643, Croatia 3,559, Greece 3,409, Macedonia 3,154, Bulgaria 2,663, BiH 2,106, Serbia 1,630, Albania 1,176.

Other parameters of the coronavirus pandemic show that so far, 1 million people have died in Slovenia, 22 in Macedonia, 16 in Turkey, 12 in BiH, 11 in Greece, 9 in Albania, 8 in Serbia, 8 in Croatia, 5 in Bulgaria and 4 in Montenegro. Mount 3.

Regarding infected people with coronavirus, statistically 1 million inhabitants, in Slovenia there are 558, in Turkey 558, Montenegro 417, Croatia 364, Serbia 355, Macedonia 341, BiH 275, Greece 193, Albania 145, Bulgaria 93.

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