Interior Ministers says government does not listen to his proposals


Measures against coronavirus have been taken primarily because of the mentality of people living in our country who are very sociable. We have very intensive social contacts and people find it difficult to give up the normal way of life, so the Government’s measures are in that direction, said Interior Minister Nake Culev in Sunday’s interview with Radio Free Europe.

When asked why he was not taking part in Health Minister Venko Filipce’s press conferences, as a representative of the Ministry of Interior, but Deputy Slavjanka Petrovska, Culev said that this was because the Government refused to listen to his proposals and was never invited to any of the government’s press conferences.

– However, I must say that my proposals to the Government are not always heard, and the decrees that I propose are also not heard by Prime Minister Oliver Spasovski and other ministers, so my proposals are often rejected, and I am honestly not consulted on some of their proposals, ordinances, for which they consult with each other, Culev said.

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