Interim Prime Minister and Ministers of Health and European Affairs in isolation


Interim Prime Minister Oliver Spasovski, Deputy PM for European Affairs Bujar Osmani, Health Minister Venko Filipce, Education Minister Arber Ademi and the Health Ministry’s state secretary Vladimir Miloshev have been put in home isolation after Kumanovo mayor Maksim Dimitrievski, with whom they met Wednesday at a session of the Kumanovo Crisis HQ, tested positive for coronavirus, the government said in a press release Thursday.

“I am currently in home isolation. All meeting participants, including myself, followed protective measures at the meeting and wore protective gear. Epidemiologists from the Public Health Institute are set to examine me and other government officials who were present at the meeting. I will remain in home isolation until further notice,” Filipche wrote.

All government officials who attended the meeting, the press release underlined, followed coronavirus protective measures and wore protective gear.

Epidemiologists from the local Public Health Center are analyzing the contacts of mayor Dimitrievski. By day’s end they will determine which people should remain in 14-day isolation. In Skopje, Public Health Institute experts are examining government officials who were present at the meeting, will make a risk assessment and determine further steps.
Deputy PM for European Affairs Bujar Osmani has decided not to attend Thursday’s session of the Security Council and remain in home isolation until Tuesday, after the mayor of Kumanovo with whom he met Wednesday confirmed he tested positive for coronavirus, Osmani said.

As of today, the Minister of Education, Aber Ademi, is going on a 14-day self-isolation. In addition to the ministers, Ministry of Health State Secretary Vlado Milosev, who will also self-isolate.

They say that the sessions of the Government will continue to be held through video conferences as in the last five days, and that there are no obstacles for the further functioning of the executive branch.

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