Minister of Health to remain in self-isolation for 14 days


Health Minister Venko Filipce will remain in self-isolation for 14 days and the same rules will apply as for everyone, regardless of the fact that there is no official solution based on the epidemiological survey.

Asked how long he would remain in self-isolation, the health minister said that although the risk was low after the epidemiological survey, he wanted to set a personal example.

“I will remain in self-isolation for 14 days, although it was assessed after the epidemiological survey that the risk is very small. However, I believe that the even slightest risk should be taken seriously, for the health of loved ones, the large number of employees in the Ministry of Health, for my personal health, and of course an example that I want to set for all citizens,” said Filipce answering reporters’ questions during his COVID-19 online session themed Retrospective: Coronavirus MK.

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