Oil derivatives’ excise duty upped by 3 denars


The oil derivatives’ excise duty in upped by Mden 3 (EUR 0.05), decided the
Government on Tuesday.
Government Spokesperson Muamet Hoxha said the decree referred to the excise
duty for unleaded fuel, diesel fuel and heating oil. If the oil retail price increases by
Mden 10 (EUR 0.16), the excise duty will drop by Mden 1 (EUR 0.016), and if the oil
retail price increases by Mden 20 (EUR 0.32), then the excise duty will drop by MKD
3 (EUR 0.05) i.e. go back to the price prior to the decree.
“The decree was passed in order to mitigate the economic effects of the increased
costs from the coronavirus crisis and ensure funds for regular servicing of budgetary
needs. The excise duty increase will not result in additional financial implications for
legal entities and the population, considering that the significant drop of oil prices at
world markets has caused a large drop of retail fuel prices in the country,” said the
Following the government's decision to increase the excise tax on oil derivatives by
three denars, the Energy Regulatory Commission has determined the price at which
citizens will be able to purchase oil derivatives from gas stations in the country from
tomorrow. Gasoline prices EUROSUPER BS-95 and EUROSUPER BS-98 increase
by another three and a half denars per liter, while diesel will increase by one and a
half denars.

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