41 new coronavirus cases registered, total tally stands at 1,300


41 new COVID-19 cases and 29 recovered patients have been registered in the past 24 hours, the Ministry of Health said Thursday.

Of the 41 new COVID-19 cases, 17 are in Skopje, 11 in Kumanovo, 5 in Prilep, 3 in Tetovo, 1 in Kavadarci, 1 in Gostivar, 1 in Kriva Palanka, 1 in Kichevo and 1 in Negotino. The total tally of coronavirus patients in Macedonia now stands at 1,300.

63 coronavirus patients are treated at the Skopje-based Clinic for Infectious Diseases, of them 23 are given oxygen and 5 have been put on a ventilator.

31 coronavirus patients are treated at the “8 September” General Hospital in Skopje, of them 7 are in critical condition and 7 have been put on a ventilator. In Bitola, 11 patients are currently being treated for coronavirus at the hospital, while 11 other coronavirus patients are being treated for the infection at home. In Stip, 3 coronavirus patients are being treated at the hospital and 13 more are being treated at home, the press release read.


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