6 patients die, 22 new COVID-19 cases in Macedonia


Twenty-two new COVID-19 cases have been registered in Macedonia in the past 24 hours, 6 patients have died, while 36 recovered, the Ministry of Health said Tuesday.

The total tally of coronavirus patients in North Macedonia is now 1,421. The total number of recovered patients is 589. Fatalities now stand at 71, whereas the number of active cases in the country is 761.

Interim Prime Minister Oliver Spasovski announced that measures to limit the movement of the population during the upcoming extended weekend International Labor Day 1 will be looser than the 85-hour quarantine introduced during the Easter holidays.

On May 1, 2 and 3, i.e. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, people will be allowed to go out between 5 am and 2 pm. The nationwide curfew will last from 2 pm up to 5 am the next day, Prime Minister Oliver Spasovski posted on Facebook.

Under the Government’s decision reached Tuesday, people over 67 years of age will be allowed to go outside between 5 am and 11 am on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Those under 18 will be allowed outside between noon and 2 pm on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.


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