Set of measures for education sector soon


Minister of Education and Science Arber Ademi said that the government in the coming days will decide how – and whether in June – high school students will take exit exams or whether to cancel the exam for the class of 2019/2020.

The government, he said, in the coming days at sessions will discuss a concrete education plan with a set of measures.

“We’ve prepared an education plan with a set of measures that will be taken next, including the enrollment of first graders and enrollment of students in high schools and universities. There’s also a plan regarding high school exit exam. I wouldn’t go into details before the plan is discussed by the ministers, but canceling the exit exams this year is one of the options,” Minister Ademi told an online press conference speaking from his home, where he has been self-isolating for several days.

In case exit exams are cancelled, Ademi said, universities will have to organize ‘qualification’ examinations.

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