Spasovski at CEI meeting: I’m convinced that together we’ll overcome this crisis and achieve speedy economic recovery


The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of global and regional cooperation. I’m convinced that together we’ll overcome this crisis and achieve speedy economic recovery, Prime Minister Oliver Spasovski said during Friday’s extraordinary virtual meeting of the Central European Initiative (CEI) Heads of Government to address the COVID-19 emergency.

The Prime Ministers of Montenegro, Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Moldavia and the Ukraine, as well as EU Enlargement Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi, the President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Suma Chakrabarti, CEI Secretary General Roberto Antonione and World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Director for Europe Hans Kluge also took part in the videoconference.

Spasovski presented at the meeting coronavirus measures implemented in North Macedonia, which are in line with WHO recommendations and underlined that certain challenges have emphasized the need for closer cooperation in the region and the EU.

“Although our healthcare systems are facing many challenges, we’ve successfully managed the COVID-19 epidemic. However, certain challenges have emphasized the need for closer cooperation in the region and the EU. Therefore, we fully support the initiative of the CEI- Executive Secretariat and the WHO Regional Office for Europe to set up a functioning Task Force whose members will cooperate closely in areas of scientific and medical research and share information regarding progress achieved in the fight against COVID-19,” Spasovski said.

Regarding the economic crisis, the PM underlined the importance of economic recovery amid global GDP drop predictions.

“We commend CEI’s call for proposals as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The response has been huge, which shows that companies and civil society have been affected by the crisis, but also proves that they’re determined to contribute to overcoming the social and economic effects of the crisis by putting forward ideas and initiatives. Furthermore, I commend CEI’s commitment to support infrastructure projects in the region through its EBRD fund,” Spasovski said.

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