Regarding the statement of the Minister of Health Venko Filipce for prolonging the state of emergency and at the same time making a protocol for holding elections, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski assessed that decision is political and that with such a decision SDSM and former Prime Minister Zoran Zaev they want to manipulate the public.
Mickoski claims that such a decision was not made on the basis of the minister’s thoughts, but that such a decision was previously discussed with the SDSM leader, in order to achieve certain goals that are by no means wrong.
“Venko Filipce is a great doctor and I have confidence in Dr. Filipce, but as a minister that man showed that he is Zoran Zaev’s puppet. The decision to extend the state of emergency is not due to the concern of Filipce and Zaev for the health of the citizens and the general health condition, but for finding an opportunity for bribe orders. That is not correct, first towards the health sector, and then towards the citizens,” says Mickoski.
“Venko Filipce has been manipulating the people with measured press conferences and calming tones since the beginning of the pandemic, while the numbers we see every day, although the tests are small, show that we are still struggling with the pandemic. This situation is used by the manipulator Zoran Zaev, to whom the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia are not important at all, and he proved that at the press conference after the leadership meeting,” adds Mickoski.