VMRO-DPMNE: The only thing Zaev and SDSM care about is their own interest and personal gain


Zaev and SDSM do not care about the health of the citizens. The only thing they
care about is their own interest and personal gain.
Instead of a strategy for the economic situation, they offer ridiculous economic
measures. They show this with the rebalance of the budget, which instead of
developing and supporting the economy and the economy is intended for electoral
bribery, said VMRO-DPMNE, adding that due to their irresponsible policy Macedonia
in the first 4 months of the year created a new debt of 200 million euros.
"Macedonia is a country that has done the least in dealing with the economic crisis.
Zaev's government in the item goods and services provided 41 million euros more
than in 2019, and on the other hand the health item has increased by only 12 million
euros. Or, for example, for other transfers it envisages enormous 150 million euros
that no one knows where they are spent, and on the other hand for capital
investments it realizes only 12% of the foreseen funds, i.e. 50 million euros.
The debt of 1.5% of GDP is a new created debt that the incompetent SDSM
government with its pre-election optimistic statements that it has a functioning
economy is lying to the citizens. "For three years, SDSM has been scattering
people's money to the detriment of the future of the citizens," VMRO-DPMNE


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