Zaev demands elections now, but will give the economic set in September


Zaev wants elections as soon as possible to keep his position and avoid a convincing defeat, says VMRO-DPMNE Secretary General Igor Janusev.

Janusev published 11 of Zaev’s paradoxes for the elections:

1. He demands elections, while the number of patients is growing each day;

  1. He demands elections while there is a curfew;
  2. He demands elections in June under the excuse that the second peak would be in autumn, when the WHO said that a possible second peak could be with the onset of winter – this does not apply;
  3. He demands elections in June, while his adviser says in August and September there will be the lowest peak of infected;
  4. He demands elections now, but will approve the economic set in September;
  5. He demands elections with the voter list that has not been cleaned, but in 2016 he postponed the elections twice because of it;
  6. He demands elections with deadlines contrary to the election law;
  7. He demands elections, and there are no protocols during the elections;
  8. He demands elections, while OSCE says first set a date for elections to see if we are ready;
  9. He demands elections, while kindergartens, schools and universities are still closed;

11. He demands elections while borders are still closed;

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