Sunday should be a non-working day, workers need to rest


The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia (SSM) believes that the health crisis
caused by cov-19 showed that more than a week is needed to be a non-working day
for all workers.
– In the past period, we have seen that with the announced measures and the police
hour that lasted during the weekends, the entire society can function even if Sunday
has been declared a non-working day – said SSM.
At the same time, it reminds that in addition to other proposals for improving the
labor legislation in order to protect workers' rights and ensure balance between work
and family, SSM has already proposed that days of weekly rest should be Saturday
and Sunday.
-Analysis and examples show that workers will be more productive, there will be
more time for their family, for rest and professional upgrading and education, related
to the health of the workers, while their work duties can be done during the week,
and at the same time the business will not suffer any consequences, nor the workers
and the citizens – the Union estimated.

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