SDSM official causes an international scandal with Croatia


Croatian media have revealed a scandal after numerous Macedonians living in Croatia alerted about the behavior of a Macedonian government official.

“In the last few days, we have been contacted by several Macedonians living in Croatia, disgusted by the anti-Croatian campaign led by a Macedonian, Gorjan Tozija, on social media and in the media. He has been posting for months that “Croatia is run by fascists”, that “HDZ is a fascist party”, that “the Croatian government is fascist”, that “Plenkovic is in pact with Orban and together they are stifling freedom in Europe, so the EU hit them in the nose”. What is amazing is that this controversial activity is actually carried out by a civil servant of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia, director of the Film Agency. And it is Croatia and its current government that is selflessly helping and lobbying Macedonia to become a member of the EU, writes the Croatian portal

They assess that “a Macedonian government official is spreading anti-Croatian hysteria” and equating Ustasha leaders with current political leaders in Croatia, and the ruling HDZ calls it a fascist party, insults the mayor of Zagreb, state television HRT and the Republic of Croatia, and openly interferes with the outcome of the future election process.

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