Best paid professions in Macedonia


63,174 denars net salary was received by the employees in the Computer programming sector, consulting and related activities.

These data refer to March 2020, and were published by the State Statistical Office. Employees in this sector have the highest salaries.

The situation is the same with quarters back.

The average salary in March this year was 26,422 denars, or 7.4 percent higher than the same month in 2019, according to the State Statistical Office.

The increase is due to the increase in the average salary for education workers by 12.2 percent, wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, where growth is 11.2 percent and in the manufacturing industry where the average salary has increased by 9.8 percent compared to March 2019.

However, the salaries of employees in the sectors of accommodation and food service services decreased by 15.6 percent, art, entertainment and recreation by 15.4 percent.

There is also a decline in salaries in the sector of professional, scientific and technical activities, where the decrease is by 9.9 percent.

The Macedonian worker ‘s salary averages 430 euros, compared to 886 euros in Croatia.

In March, some sectors saw growth and others wage cuts.

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