Misajlovski: Zaev talks of invented achievements on the day we have the most new cases and deaths, holding elections now is madness


It is irresponsible, and it is a complete lack of reality to talk about some three-year achievements, when today Macedonia is living a black Monday, which means a huge number of newly infected people with COVID-19, and people who lost their lives, said VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Vlado Misajlovski in a statement to the media.

“In such a difficult situation, it is crazy to talk about elections, and no matter how much Zaev says that we have normalcy, we have a fatal abnormality in society. Zoran Zaev does not believe in the data he mentioned at the press conference, and they are as unrealistic as the fact written in their flyer that they “beat” the coronavirus. The point is that Zaev is not only the main factor in the crisis due to his government’s inability to manage it, but he is also the source of the coronavirus crisis with his election activities. Half of the party is in isolation, and he is talking about pre-election activities. Here, too, his insane pursuit reveals why he wants it, he is aware that defeat is imminent, and that he thinks he will become an MP with immunity. But let me say that this calculation is also useless. As for his achievements, Zoran Zaev forgot to mention his main achievements, I will share a few. We have a hybrid regime for 3 years in a row, a country with the highest crime and corruption rates. Injustice as a basic postulate of the functioning of the state and the government,” Misajlovski said.

He added that the achievements were the racketeering by officials from his party. Racketeering becomes a trademark of Zoran Zaev and the ruling party. Even such a racket received several extensions, Racket 1, Racket 2, etc. There are also licenses for marijuana, excavations in REK, the innovation fund and the distributed funds of people close to Zaev and SDSM. Let’s not forget Den Doncev and the money laundering documents, blackmailed businessmen and many other infamous achievements.

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