SDSM leader: I am a candidate for PM, if DUI has other conditions, it won’t be part of the next Government


SDSM President Zoran Zaev responded to a statement by Ali Ahmeti that “it is time for an Albanian prime minister.” He said the prime minister would be the one who gets the support of 61 lawmakers, not ethnicity, Zaev told TV 21.

“In our country, a candidate for prime minister can be any citizen who will provide the support of at least 61 MPs.”

According to the Constitution, the Members of Parliament are elected according to the will of the citizens, and not according to the ethnicity of one or another candidate.

“It is true that the citizens in our society are constantly overcoming ethnic barriers but it is more important that in our choice we are driven by the qualities of the candidate and especially of his approach toward the voters and his personal example. If SDSM wins in the elections I will be the candidate for head of Government and I will fight for a better life for all citizens of North Macedonia, as I’ve proven with my policies over the past years. Accordingly, if DUI conditions the creation of the next Government with this issue, then DUI won’t be part of the next Government,” Zaev said.


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