Bitola police ban citizens from cemeteries, but the churches held sermons for the dead in line with protocols


In those municipalities where there is no full three-day lockdown, the ban on going to cemeteries on the occasion of the Duhovden (All Saints Day) orthodox holiday.

The police all over the country are lined in front of cemeteries, preventing believers from visiting the graves of their loved ones. Such is the case with Bitola, where this photo comes from.

Minister Venko Filipce pointed out a few days ago that visiting cemeteries was prohibited, as a potential threat of gathering, and thus spread the coronavirus.

On the other hand, the churches in Bitola today held sermons for the dead on Duhovden, but measures were also taken for order and protection of the believers from spreading the coronavirus, reports, such a 2-meter distance between people, placing food and wine, etc.

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