DUI insists on an Albanian Prime Minister


The Albanian Prime Minister project is not DUI’s ad hoc idea, but an important piece
of the mosaic of DUI's strategy for achieving full equality, and should end with the
demolition of the last taboo, the last place of resistance for other communities to be
positioned, said Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Bujar Osmani.
"In this country we are all one, everyone has the right to be elected and to vote.
Therefore, the idea is to elect the first Albanian prime minister, a prime minister of
equality who will break all stereotypes and taboos that there are still places in this
country where Albanians cannot access," said Osmani.
He pointed out that this was announced in 2009 at the party's congress when Ali
Ahmeti mentioned 12 positions in the country that were then "untouchable" for

Albanians, including the positions of Ombudsman, Parliament Speaker, Prime
Minister, President.
"Everything has succeeded in this period. We also had an Albanian Defense
Minister, a president of the Supreme Court and a Parliament Speaker. So it is logical
that now is the time to break down the last place of resistance to the prejudices that
an ethnic monopoly has on any position in government. This is the moment,
Albanians feel it and mobilize en masse. This idea is not a party but a supra-party
idea and project, and we expect support from everyone," Osmani said when asked
whether the idea of ​​an Albanian prime minister was not just populism.
He expects support for the idea not only from Albanian citizens and Albanian political
parties and organizations, but also from Macedonian citizens and parties who do not
want to see the country as a place where "prejudice and ethnic monopoly" still exist.
He believes that the awareness of that is growing among the Macedonian
community, because, he says, "everyone won with the appointment of an Albanian
as Parliament Speaker, Minister of Interior, Minister of Defense, President of the
Supreme Court."
"This is a process for which dilemmas are always expressed at the beginning, it is
rejected. "We had the same resistance for each of our projects, we had the same
refusal from some Albanian political parties, but in the end it turned out that this state
only became stronger, more united and more unified with all the demolition of these
prejudices and scoundrels," Osmani said.

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