The country’s largest energy system accused of abuse


The Ministry of Interior has filed a complaint that the former director of the largest energy capacity in the country abused his official position and extortion from a legal entity that illegally concluded a contract for public procurement with the Mining and Energy Plant Bitola (REK), said Interim Interior Minister Nake Culev on Friday, who paid a working visit to Bitola, as well as REK Bitola.

“Today I was on a working visit to Bitola. Within the statement for the media, I informed the public about the actions of the Department for Organized Crime after a report that refers to the previous director of REK Bitola, and current director of ESM, and at the same time a senior SDSM official. A report submitted to the Ministry of Interior, the previous director and the immediate management of REK Bitola committed the criminal offense of abuse of office and extortion by a legal entity that legally concluded a contract with REK Bitola on the basis of legal procedure for public procurement, specified Culev.

The specific case has been submitted by the Department for Organized Crime to the Basic Public Prosecutor’s Office, which should give directions for complete clarification of this case. The Interior Minister called on the Prosecution to act upon the submitted reports, in order to investigate the case.

REK Bitola is the largest branch in the AD Elektrani na Makedonija and is located on the outskirts of the southern region Pelagonija, and started operating in the early 1980s. With its potential in REK, it provides over 70% of the total electricity production in the country’s electricity system.

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