Clinical Center Union demands twice as much salary and 36 days off


The Clinical Center Union is taking a stand from now on and in the future to inform
the public and the parties that aspire to lead the country in the next 4 years for the
demands of their members, the same ones who are most exposed in the battle with
the current pandemic, states the Executive Board of the Union of the Clinical Center.
Here are some of their requirements:
Double the increase of the salaries of the health workers and associates during the
4-year term, and during each increase, to plan an increase for the auxiliary technical
and administrative staff;
Taking over the health administration from the rest of the public administration;
The parking lot of the Clinical Center should be free for the employees or at most
200 denars;
Beneficial work experience for healthcare professionals and associates;
The annual leave should be increased by 10 working days, i.e. the legally
determined maximum number of days for annual leave should be 36 working days.

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