Mickoski in Kavadarci: Macedonians are determined to fight for Macedonia!


Let's get our children back from foreign countries, let's fill the streets and our homes.
We are committed to honest work until the very last atom of energy, said leader of
VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski last night in front of the citizens of Kavadarci.
We’ve had enough of them destroying our honor and dignity. Macedonians are
determined to fight for Macedonia the way we all deserve to have," said Mickoski in

Да си ги вратиме децата од надвор, да ги наполниме улиците и домовите. Се обврзуваме на чесна работа до последниот атом…

Публикувахте от Hristijan Mickoski в Петък, 26 юни 2020 г.

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