Spasovski: Personal income tax return for all new employees up to 29 years of age


Integration has brought more money and will bring even more, by 2024, we will open
80 percent of the chapters to the EU, which will mean 2.5 billion euros from
European funds. All this is a chance for young people to be competitive at European
levels for education, employment, with European salaries, said Oliver Spasovski,
holder of the list in constituency 2 at a meeting with young people in Skopje's Gjorce
He said that many opportunities have been opened for young people so far.
– Our goal is to motivate you to work and live in your home country. If something is
missing, we can get it, but you, the youth, are irreplaceable to the country.

The Youth aid of MKD 3,000 is paid for the month of May, for young people up to 23
years of age who work in production and agriculture. It is about a total of 3,117
young people who receive 3,000 denars on this basis. Since December, 55 million
481 thousand 220 denars have been paid for this purpose. Through the Youth
guarantee, in 2018, 5,266 young people were involved in various trainings and
practices, of which 1,923 were employed, and we are talking about a period of the
first four months after entering the records. In 2019, 20,302 young people were
involved in such trainings and internships, and 6,036 were employed. In 2020, as of
June 10, that is, in just 6 months, 8,173 people have been trained on various
grounds, of which 1,971 are employed.
Our country is the first non-EU country to implement this Youth guarantee project for
young people up to 29 years of age. Or, in total, Active Employment Measures,
which in addition to the Youth Guarantee include various grants, trainings, IT skills,
have helped over 14,000 young people up to 29 years of age to find work or qualify
for a suitable job in the labor market. 5,412 people were directly employed, and
8,991 people through this measure underwent preparation for potential employment –
added Spasovski.
He assessed that they could do more, and even better.
– In the SDSM Program, we anticipate a return of personal tax for all new employees
up to 29 years in the first two years. The money will go directly to the youth's
account. We are in favor of an innovative Macedonia. We are committed to the
SDSM Program that we will create an environment in which young people will
strengthen the entrepreneurial spirit, innovation and creativity, said Spasovski.

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