Family doctors protest against the ignorant attitude of health minister


Family doctors have been preparing to protest against Health Minister Venko Filipce’s ignorant attitude since the start of the coronavirus epidemic.

“We are protesting against the ignorant attitude and no support from the first day of the epidemic until today, neither protective equipment, nor disinfectants, nor a dime of aid. We seek emergency care in protective equipment and disinfectants. We demand the right to refer to testing at our discretion.

We demand a member representative of the family doctors in the Commission for Infectious Diseases. We demand an end to any “reforms” announced for the first of July, an unprecedented precedent in the middle of a pandemic. We are also protesting the shameful statements that we are not part of the public health system.

More than 80 percent of those infected with SARS-CoV-2 are managed by family doctors! The daily work with which we were previously buried in is additional to this, and we do it simultaneously,” said Dr. Nenad Lazarov, who announced the protest.

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