Ahmeti: The idea for an Albanian prime minister dates back 11 years


This idea for a first Albanian Prime Minister dates back to 11 years ago and in the last 3-4 months we have started consultations and talks with potential candidates, said the leader of the Democratic Union for Integration Ali Ahmeti on a debate show on Klan TV.

“I have talked to almost ten possible candidates for prime minister. Mr. Ziberi, to whom this idea seemed accessible, and other candidates I spoke to supported this idea, but for various reasons, could not leave their agendas and could not enter this activity. Mr. Ziberi has expressed readiness and has so far successfully communicated with the public and explained his program on how to run the country’s executive body,” Ahmeti said.

He stressed that he regrets that his competitors, opponents, do not see it, do not study the DUI platform and told them to be careful to follow the documentation, the history of the party, because, as he said, “in the future it may happen that they walk into a mine field, as they have now.”

“I am sorry that they did not analyze and study our platforms, programs and goals that we had 11 years ago: Minister of Defense, Minister of Interior, Parliament Speaker, if you asked them at that time, they would certainly say that they are not feasible, but now these things have been done,” he said.

Regarding the statement of SDSM leader Zoran Zaev that it is “healthy for the country” for DUI to go into opposition, Ahmeti said that neither Zaev, nor Mickoski, nor anyone else can decide what is healthy for the country, adding that the citizens will decide on July 15.

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