Zaev: EU negotiating process to be completed in six years


SDSM leader Zoran Zaev and BESA leader Bilal Kasami held Thursday a joint press conference in Tetovo regarding the country’s NATO and EU integration. Zaev said SDSM’s policies have opened NATO and EU doors in only three years, compared to the 11 years of standstill by the former authorities.

“EUR 2,5 billion of European funds are at our disposal in the coming period. European funds for European standards at home but also for easier management of the coronavirus consequences. We are ready, we know and can open 80 percent of the EU accession chapters by 2024 and close the negotiating process in six years, thus becoming a full-fledged member of the Union. This is our offer for the next four years. We know exactly what kind of a country we want North Macedonia to be in 2024 – free, democratic, European and integrated,” said Zaev.


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