Ahmeti: There is no room for a truce with Zaev


I was irritated by Zaev’s statements that DUI should go into opposition and that it will not be part of the future government, but also that it will give Mickoski MPs to form a minority government only if Albanians are not part of it, says Ahmeti who therefore said that Zaev after 2-3 glasses of rakija says one thing, and then regrets it.

Ali Ahmeti in an interview with TV21 said that the message to the leader of SDSM Zoran Zaev was a “tomahawk”, which is a kind of rocket, adding that now there was no room for a truce between them.

“I was provoked by Zaev’s unscrupulous statements that DUI cannot be part of the future government, DUI should go into opposition, and that I will give Mickoski parliamentary seats to form a minority government, he will have my support so that we do not allow Albanians to be part of by the government. This irritated me. I sent him messages all the time, you should not mess with DUI, but they went on again. Now it was time for a tomahawk (rocket) to be launched. And now there is no truce,” said Ahmeti.

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