Family physicians protest against the ignorant attitude of the government


The family physicians went on strike today, each in front of their offices, to express
their dissatisfaction.
They are protesting, as they say, the ignorant attitude towards them and the lack of
any support from the system for family physicians, from the beginning of the
They demand:
1. Emergency care in medical protective equipment, disinfectants, etc.
2. Demand the right to refer patients for testing at our discretion as physicians, not
an algorithm
3. They request that there be a member representative of the family physicians in the
Commission for infectious diseases

4. Stop any "reforms" announced for 01.07, an unprecedented precedent in the
midst of a pandemic.
5. They ask for help in the form of urgent engagement of young colleagues who will
immediately join the system, and are currently sitting at home without work.
The Association of trainees and young doctors posted photos on its official Facebook
page, where it could be seen that the family physicians are all holding a note in front
of their offices that reads "Enough is enough".

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