Macedonia worst in the region in terms of the number of coronavirus infected and deceased


In the last 24 hours there were 241 new coronavirus cases and 8 deceased patients. Macedonia becomes Lombardy in the Balkans and record holder in mortality and infection per million inhabitants. This is shown by the numbers from the country compared to other countries in the Balkans.

In terms of the number of infected per 1 million inhabitants, Macedonia is at the top of the list with as many as 1,000 more infected than the second on the list Kosovo and three times more than Slovenia and Croatia. And in terms of the number of deaths, the country is ahead of the countries in the region. With 189 deaths per 1 million inhabitants, Macedonia is at the top, ahead of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which has reported 72 deaths. Croatia, which was hit by a strong wave of COVID-19 in the spring, has only 29 deaths per 1 million inhabitants and is at the bottom of the list.

While we are at the top in terms of dark parameters, in terms of testing we are in the middle, i.e. 4th on the list, with 38,771 tests conducted per million inhabitants. The leader here is Serbia, right before Slovenia.

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