Filipche urges MoIand competent authorities to probe into social gatherings


Health Minister VenkoFilipche urges competent institutions, the MoI and inspectorates to control and sanction social gathering parties held in several cities in ways inconsistent with health protocols, as seen in photos posted on social media.

“I see photos on social media of parties and gatherings organized in several cities without observing protocols and protective measures against COVID-19. I urge competent institutions – MoI andinspectorates to carry out controls and sanction these gatherings held in ways inconsistent with health protocols!,” Filipche posted on Facebook.

“Young people must fully comply with the coronavirus measures to protect themselves and those around them, wear face masks, maintain hygiene and distance,” he urged.

The Health Minister underlined it’s crucial that everyone complies with the measures to prevent the spread of the virus and that any non-compliance with the measures is appropriately sanctioned.

This weekend, the Strumica-based club “Avatar” held concerts where, according to the photos published on social media, none of those present wore face masks.

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