Administrative Court to examine the parties’ lawsuits over snap elections


The Administrative Court scheduled a session on Wednesday over the 75 lawsuits submitted by Alternativa and the Alliance for Albanians for irregularities in the just concluded snap parliamentary elections. The Integra party also filed a lawsuit with the Administrative Court.

The Administrative informs that for the holding of public sessions after the lawsuits will be additionally announced.

The Administrative Court has scheduled several public hearings for today after the 75 lawsuits filed by the Alliance for Albanians and Alternative, as well as one lawsuit filed by Integra. The political party Levica filed 102 lawsuitstoday in the Administrative Court for protection of the electoral first of the submitters of the lists.

The lawsuits, as previously announced by the President of the Administrative Court BurimSejdini, are divided into several trial chambers formed by lot.

The deadline for filing lawsuits with the Administrative Court is 24 hours after the political parties receive the decisions from the State Election Commission to reject or reject the complaints submitted by the political parties for the early parliamentary elections.

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