Ahmeti invited to testify at The Hague Specialist Prosecutor’s Office over Kosovo war crimes


DUI leader Ali Ahmeti has received an invitation to appear in the role of witness at the Hague-based Kosovo Specialist Prosecutor’s Office charged with investigating war crimes.

The Internet portal Insiders finds out that Ahmeti received the invitation before the elections, which he used as an argument to delay his trip to The Hague.

Now that the elections are over, according to Insiders, he is expected to travel to The Hague to be questioned by international prosecutors investigating war and post-war crimes.

He confirmed for TV 21 that he had been called as a witness because he was one of the founders of the KLA. It’s unclear at this point whether the invitation extended to Ahmeti is in any way related to Thaci’s testimony.

The Special Prosecutor’s Office announced last month that it had indicted Kosovo President Hashim Thaci, Democratic Party of Kosovo leader Kadri Veseli and several former KLA leaders on April 24 on war crimes and crimes against humanity.

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