Opposition leader accuses government of buying MPs


VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski, in an interview with the central daily news on Sitel TV, accused that the SDSM government is trying to buy MPs of the opposition coalition “Renewal for Macedonia”, pointing out that MPs are offered various privileges and privileges, dizzying amounts, as well as amnesties for alleged court cases.

“I take this opportunity to speak openly and about everything that is increasingly speculated in the past days in the public, and these are those attempts to trade MPs from one side or the other or from a third party. I am really disgusted by what some of the MPs are telling me and how they are approached by people who introduce themselves on behalf of the people who are part of the SDSM leadership, so they offer various privileges for them, for their families, the sixth or seventh is mentioned. digits in euros, amnesties for court cases, etc. It really causes brutal disgust not only with those people, but also with me,” Mickoski said.

He assessed that this is the “future” offered by this leadership of SDSM led by Zoran Zaev and confirmed that several of the 44 MPs defeated by the opposition in the elections on July 15 already “have experience” with the mentioned offer, and even for personal meetings with the top SDSM.

Mickoski said that such an attempt to bribe MPs is unsuccessful, pointing out that he is disgusted by the actions of people who want to reshape the will of citizens in this election.

“Of course they are all brutally rejected and disgusted, but they also conveyed the same thing to me and I am really disgusted by such actions that these people are doing, in order to reshape the will of the citizens in this election,” said Mickoski.

He said that VMRO-DPMNE will continue to fight guided by principles, decisively rejecting the formation of a government at any cost, as well as negotiations on dictation and blackmail.

“We are strong here, we will continue to fight as I said in the past, we are guided by principles, by our program, the reforms that need to be implemented for a better tomorrow, no negotiations under dictation and blackmail and not in government at any cost”, said Mickoski.

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