Dr. Danilovski: Children up to 14 years are more likely to transmit coronavirus, not the right time to reopen kindergartens and schools!


I’m afraid what will happen to the school year when it starts, given the rumors that are spreading, that the schools will reopen. I do not know what it will look like, children wear masks for 4-5 hours, it is a bit illusory. I am afraid that it will not work, says prof. Dr. DraganDanilovski.

“Two studies have been published these days – in fact they have not been published yet but given as a manuscript – and one says that children up to the age of five have 10 to 100 times more viruses in the nasal passages. It’s a study from Chicago.

Another study from northern Italy found that children under the age of 14 were more likely to transmit the virus. This speaks enough that, according to the current epidemiological situation in our country, this is not the time to open the schools.”


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