Arsovski: Why is SDSM hiding several hundred thousand euros for ads on social media, and where do they come from?


SDSM is the most non-transparent political party in the Republic of Macedonia and that raises many doubts, said VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson DimceArsovski at Saturday’s press conference.

“SDSM conducted these elections in the most undemocratic way, committing the largest election robbery and bribery on the ground. In the report submitted to the SAO on funds spent in the campaign by the “WeCan”coalition, SDSM hides the costs and amounts spent on certain items and specifications.
Why? Their sources of money are probably suspicious and therefore they are not transparent enough to be published over how much money they spent on this campaign,” Arsovski said.

“If you look closely at the report, you cannot find in any item a report and the amount of money spent by SDSM and the coalition” We can “for advertising and advertising space, i.e. paid, sponsored ads on social media, specifically on Facebook, Instagram, etc.”

According to Arsovski, it is obvious that they are hiding and consciously want to manipulate the citizens.

“But, let us remind you, during the campaign there was an analysis by experts in the media, that SDSM spends about 27,000 euros a day on social media on ads, which during the campaign reaches a figure of over half a million euros ads, just for social media. The question is why SDSM does not report these amounts and where these sums of money come from for financing ads on social media,” said VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson.

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