SDSM source: There is no final agreement with DUI


After the public interpretations and the journalistic articles that “SDSM and DUI shook hands for a new government”, or that “SDSM and DUI have already agreed on a government”, a source from SDSM says that the written party position after the Nikolovski-Grubi meeting does not mean that a final agreement has been reached, 360stepeni news portal reports.

Several media reported Friday night that SDSM and DUI have already agreed to form a new government, conveying the written position of SDSM after the meeting of their Secretary General LjupcoNikolovski with DUI’s ArtanGrubi. In the mentioned written position, SDSM says that they agree with DUI on several principles on which the “possible joint government program” should be based, but there is nothing in it about who will lead the government, given DUI’s request for Albanian prime minister, even if only during one part of the mandate of the new government.

A source from SDSM Friday night for says that the written position delivered after the meeting Nikolovski-Grubi does not mean that a final agreement has been reached on forming a government. The same source, however, did not want to reveal the stage of the negotiations and whether there are any possible problematic issues.

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