Sanitary Inspectorate Director ordered to self-isolate after contact with a coronavirus patient


Director of the State Sanitary and Health Inspectorate Irina Buhova was ordered to self-isolate for two weeks after being in contact with a coronavirus patient.

The director announced that she had no symptoms of the disease, was feeling well, and her first coronavirus test came out negative.

“On the recommendation of epidemiologists, I am in self-isolation and I will be isolated for 14 days. I had contact with a COVID-19 positive person, a member of my immediate family. I feel obliged to inform the public. I feel good, I have no symptoms. Throughout the coronavirus crisis, I followed absolutely all protocols, including wearing a face mask, disinfection, and physical distance. I sincerely thank everyone for their support and care,” said Dr. Buhova in her statement.

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