Zaev and Ahmeti to have their crucial meeting on Tuesday


The Democratic Union for Integration said that in the talks held at the level of party secretaries between DUI’s Artan Grubi and SDSM’s Ljupco Nikolovski, serious progress was made in almost all issues leading to an agreement on a new government.

A meeting between SDSM and DUI leaders Zoran Zaev and Ali Ahmeti  has been scheduled for Tuesday, at which an agreement to form a government coalition is expected to be reached.

“Given the urgency and the need to quickly ensure fully functioning of the key institutions in the country to address the health and economic challenges caused by COVID-19 pandemic, a meeting between party leaders Zoran Zaev and Ali Ahmeti will be held on Tuesday at which a final agreement on a new, stable, committed government with a four-year term is expected to be reached,” says DUI.

Although there have been announcements in the past few days that the two parties are close to a final agreement, so far there are no potential names for the new officials, nor what will be the distribution of ministerial portfolios.

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