Leaked names of future ministers in Zaev’s Government


The two winning parties in the July 15 elections, DUI and SDSM, reached an agreement on a coalition in the next four years. Candidates for ministers from both headquarters will be determined in front of tonight’s news. In the meantime, information has been leaked about the ministers of both parties.

DUI counts on:

Ministry of Finance – Fatmir Besimi

Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Bujar Osmani

Ministry of Information Society – Shiret Elezi

Ministry of Environment – Naser Nuredini

Ministry of Economy – Kreshnik Bekteshi

Ministry of Political System and

Deputy Prime Minister – Artan Grubi

Venko Filipche remains Minister of Health, Oliver Spasovski returns to the Ministry of Interior, new Minister of Defense will be Ljupco Nikolovski, Radmila Shekerinska would probably be Education Minister, Mila Carovska returns to Labor and Social Affairs, and the Ministry of Justice will be in hands of SDSM after the distribution of the government in the coalition SDSM-DUI-DPA that was announced yesterday, as speculated behind closed doors.

The current Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikola Dimitrov, who is not a member of SDSM, will be the Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration.

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