Medziti: I don’t ask to be Deputy Prime Minister, I don’t do this for myself


DUI Vice President Izet Medziti confirmed that he has no aspirations for the chair of First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Political System. Medziti does not reveal which of the proposed ministers is a thorn in his side, which is why he conditions the vote for the new government.

“I’m not asking to be the deputy prime minister, I’m not asking this for myself,” Medziti replied.

Plusinfo has already announced that Medziti will be the coordinator of the DUI parliamentary group and that the support for Talat Xhaferi for election as Parliament Speaker is not a problem.

However, Medziti’s answer does not confirm whether the persuasions between him and DUI leader Ali Ahmeti to vote for the new government are still valid or have already been agreed. Hence, it is unclear whether there will be a change of any of the proposed staff for DUI ministers. The names of Artan Grubi as First Deputy Prime Minister and Bujar Osmani as Minister of Foreign Affairs were speculated. If there is no agreement, the election of the new government would be left hanging.

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