Energy companies are getting richer on the citizens’ backs


Zaev’s government is enriching energy companies on the backs of the citizens by increasing the price of electricity. We are witnessing a situation in which immediately after the elections there was a new shock for the citizens and an increase in the price of electricity by 7.4%, said VMRO-DPMNE spokersperson Dimce Arsovski at today’s press conference.

“If the electricity price remained the same, energy companies in 2020 would generate revenue of 16,106,756,099 denars. With the increase of 7.4% this income for the same energy will be: 17,303,879,863 denars. Or the difference in the realized income due to price increase is: 1,197,123,764 denars, which is 19,370,935 thousand euros. Almost 20 million euros of burden on citizens’ backs, said Arsovski.


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