Leader of the Serbs in Macedonia warns of opening a process for constitutional reorganization of the country


The only party to be congratulated on the results after the elections is Ali Ahmeti’s DUI party, because in addition to controlling most of the municipalities in Macedonia where Albanians live, they also control a good part of government ministries and managed to exert pressure through a consensual decision-making system, says Ivan Stoilkovic, leader of the Democratic Party of Serbs in Macedonia.

“In a way there was a threat of federalization and it was essentially about achieving consensual democracy, because when you have that, you have control over the whole country,” Stoilkovic explained.

Therefore, as he states, he would not talk about federalization because that means half the way of decision making.

“Consensual democracy, although it implies a semi-meaningful way of decision-making, actually allows the Albanians to control the entire country of Macedonia. So, in these elections, what I said before was confirmed – that the Albanians are definitely political leaders in Skopje,” Stoilkovic said categorically.

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