VMRO-DPMNE: Unemployment higher by 36 thousand, and Zaev will pay five additional deputy Speakers with citizens’ money


Macedonia with Zaev’s government became a black spot in the region and Europe during the coronavirus epidemic, VMRO-DPMNE said in a statement sent to the media.

The total number of COVID-19 cases is close to 14 thousand, which is almost 7 times more than Venko Filipche’s forecasts. The death toll is also high, at around 570.

In both parameters we are a black record holder of one million inhabitants in the region and beyond.

“Unemployment has increased by 36 thousand unemployed people. The average salary in April compared to February was lower by 1,367 denars, and almost 30 thousand people do not receive regular salaries. The money was spent on electoral bribery, instead of real aid to the economy. The black forecasts of the experts are that this billion will not be enough for the state to service the basic things by the end of the year. That is why Zaev’s government reached for a 7.5% increase in the price of electricity, in order to cover the murky tenders that the companies close to Zaev took from the energy companies,” reads VMRO-DPMNE’s stateement.

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