When protocols for the school year were to be prepared, the MES signed deals in private


The Ministry of Education and Science (MES) in the period from July 30 to August 5 of this year concluded dozens of deals in four eyes for the purchase of textbooks, despite the fact that until the last moment could not adopt appropriate protocols for the start of the school year in thecoronavirus epidemic, and to make an overview of the readiness of the infrastructure and teaching staff for online teaching.

the Public Procurement system has published dozens of contracts in which the Ministry of Education and Science stands as the contracting authority and in these announcements as a subject of the public procurement contract there is a procurement for purchase of textbooks through a negotiated procedure without prior announcement with a total value of contracts of several million euros.

The Ministry, in accordance with the signed agreements with these companies, undertakes that the amount will be paid 45 days from the delivery of the textbooks in the schools.

Experts comment that with the abolition of the Public Procurement Council, which occurred immediately after the coming to power of SDSM, the institutions lost control over public procurement procedures, which are increasingly concluded in direct negotiations.

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