Applause and “boos” in Parliament after Prime Minister-designate Zaev’s address


“I pledge that as Prime Minister, along with the ministers, along with the citizens, we will show once again that we can do more, that we can do better,” said Prime Minister-designate ZoranZaev at Saturday’s parliament session for the new government.

With applause, but also “boos”, Prime Minister-designate ZoranZaev ended his address from the parliamentary rostrum, where he presented the government program.

He announced one billion euros in foreign investment and a reduction in the post-crisis unemployment rate to 3 percent per year with the ultimate goal of a single-digit unemployment rate by the end of his term. He also announced public administration reform, construction of 260 km of state roads, completion of railways, especially Corridor 8.

“There comes atime of justice and discipline, a time of respect for the judiciary and non-selective rule of law,” Zaev announced judicial reform, saying the first step had already been taken with the SCPC inspecting judges’ property.
Regarding the agreements with Greece and Bulgaria, he said that they enabled NATO membership and the start of negotiations with the EU and will continue to work diligently to achieve them.

“There were times when coexistence and interethnic tolerance were put to the test. We have shown that we can live together. These are the European values ​​to which the citizens of RNM are sincerely committed,” said the prime minister-designate.

He announced an ambitious timeframe for opening and closing negotiations with the EU and said he would encourage domestic companies to enter NATO’s $ 4 billion tender market.

According to Zaev, the coronavirus epidemic will worsen in the coming months and therefore new sets and economic measures are being prepared, urging citizens to adhere to safety protocols. He announced new investments in healthcare and that with 33 million euros from the World Bank they will renew all intensive care units in the country.

“There is absolutely no room to stand aside. Each of us should be involved in the realization of this program,” said Zaev.

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