High school students demand: Either combined learning model or boycott of online classes


Macedonian high school students demand reopening of high schools in places where there is a small number of people infected with the coronavirus, and online classes only where the epidemiological situation is unfavorable.

High school students threaten to boycott online classes if the government does not accept their demands to return to school from October 1. They are protesting today in Skopje demanding a combined model for high schools, i.e.a combined learning model be applied in municipalities with fewer coronavirus patients.

High school students want to go back to school because they think online teaching is completely ineffective. They are asking the government to allow the schools to decide for themselves on the teaching model they will organize and to prepare protocols for the opening of high schools. If not, they announce a boycott of online classes.

A few days ago, the government decided that the school year should start on October 1, instead of September 1, but only students of first to third grade will go to school. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, fourth to ninth grade students and high school students will be required to attend online classes.

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